Stirling : 9440 5250 | Armadale : 6117 9711

Have you tried gardening with children?  We recently hosted an afternoon tea for our mum’s which focused on gardening with children………

As part of the afternoon tea celebrations the babies (and the other children) planted flowers in our garden with their mummies, they had great fun gardening with children.

We already have a vegetable garden and herb patch that the babies have been tending to, along with the other children in the centre.  However we have now added these beautiful mummy flowers to the garden.

We put on our gardening gloves with our mummies dug about in the soil and chose whichever flower we wanted to plant. We water our flowers every day and will at times ask our mummies to water them with us.  If we miss our mummies during the day we can just sit by our flowers and know mummy will be back soon.

 Gardening with children can be so much fun and provides a great deal of benefits to you and your child, far beyond the simple act of spending time together, spring is the perfect time to get out in the garden and try it.
