Stirling : 9440 5250 | Armadale : 6117 9711

So a few months have passed since the last post.  I get caught up in what I am doing and then putting it into words on a blog can be a challenge.  I know this is an area I need to work on harder.

What have we done since our launch……………………

  • Our Reggio tree went around to all 7 centres for a week at a time.  Many families participated in placing their handprint on the tree and receiving an introduction to the Reggio Approach.
  • A brief survey was sent out to the families in all the centres and we are pleased to say we had a great response back.
  • The children were asked at mat sessions and throughout the day what they loved about coming to daycare
  • We had a solid 2 weeks of sessions at head office with every staff member and admin staff where we discussed what they liked in the workplace, what they didn’t and what they were passionate about (we called this the good, the bad and the passionate).
  • A few of us at head office have been going through all responses we received from the families, children and staff and we now have everything grouped and are in the process of writing our first draft of our philosophy.  We believe our philosophy has to be lived and breathed and this can only be done if it consists of what our families, children and staff believe in.  We hope to have this draft out shortly for everyone to read, reflect on and make comment too.
  • We have started having a Reggio inspired updated in our centre monthly newsletters for families to be a part of our learning process.
  • We have set up an internal feed where we are consistently sharing Reggio Inspired ideas and information among staff
  • We are developing an internal training package on the Reggio Emilia Approach and how we are creating our own Reggio Inspired Journey
  • And this weekend I am heading off to Melbourne to listen to Carla Rinaldi talk about ‘Ways of thinking, Ways of knowing, Ways of being’.  Next week I will sharing what she had to say.