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Christmas tree - Christmas for childrenChristmas is just around the corner……

The festive season feels like it is upon us already.  The shops have the Christmas decorations out, toy catalogues are on every surface I seem to look at and my elder children only have 6 weeks left of the school year.  Its sometimes hard to keep it Christmas for children.

I’m trying to be very organised and gather all ‘the bits and pieces’ needed from the man in red, so when the holidays are upon me (did I mention in 6 weeks time) I will be a calm mother to my 3 little cherubs.

I have been crazily googling ideas over the last few nights to keep the cherubs busy over December in preparation for Christmas.

I have decided I’m going to work the Advent calendar a little differently this year.  Thanks to Ikea I have purchased their Advent calendar bags and I have been searching what to fill them with.  The internet is a wonderful tool for a brain dead mother after 8pm at night.  I found the following idea….. buying a lego set for each child and putting parts of the set into their advent bags throughout the month so the last one they open will allow them to build their lego construction.  Hopefully this will build up anticipation over the month.  Not so sure this will work for the 1 year old cherub!  I will also put in a treat (chocolate / apple / muesli bar) and a note for them.

Every week I will post my build up to Christmas….. stay posted
