Advent is a very special time in our house. Here is a sneak peak at what it looks like so far
The Advent bags went up and 3 excited children were ready to start the journey
We all had a great fun putting up the Christmas Tree
And then the outdoor lights went up.
All the kiddies had a great time having their candle lit bubble bath
The girls got to work on writing 10 things they were grateful for
The excitement of writing out letters to Santa made Christmas seem even closer
The Christmas carols played while we ate dinner on the 7th day of Advent
Writing the family Christmas story proved a funny exercise
And our fancy dress dinner party was a happy occassion with lots of silly family friendly jokes being told
The 3 kiddies had great fun in Kmart looking for just the right gift
And on the 11th day of Advent fingers got dirty folding each page of the magazine to make their Christmas tree
What has Advent looked like in your house so far?
I would love to hear what you and your family have been up to. Send me a line……….
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