The babies spent the morning experimenting with textures! today was all about texture play for babies.
First we covered the table with glad wrap and put shaving foam all over it. We used eye droppers to put different coloured dye onto the foam for the children to mix together. The children slowly approached the table to see what was going on. Most of the children put their hands straight onto the foam and enjoyed squishing it between their fingers. A couple of children were hesitant about the messy texture and preferred to stand back and observe. The children tried mixing and swirling their hands through the foam, they tried picking it up and they loved making a huge mess! The children soon realised if they slapped the table or clapped their hands it made the foam spray through the air – super fun!
***Hot Tip***
Because we had covered the table in glad wrap first, cleaning up was really easy – just fold the shaving cream into the glad wrap as it’s taken off the table and voila! A clean table again!
Next we tried coloured pasta and rice in different containers. The children that were hesitant about the foam LOVED this experience! The babies soon discovered how fun it was to pour and scoop the rice and pasta and started to bring over different bowls and utensils from the home corner. This activity kept the babies occupied for the better part of an hour – such a simple experience that provided so many opportunities for learning and exploration!
**Hot Tip**
Put uncooked pasta or rice into a sandwich bag with a few squirts of hand sanitizer and a few drops of food colouring and massage the colour through – makes the colour bright and even!
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