Stirling : 9440 5250 | Armadale : 6117 9711

We love texture play at childcare and recently we have had a big focus on different textures. We have had lots of fun discovering how different things feel on our hands and feet.

We have painted many pictures using our hands and brushes, on one occasion we used our feet! We brushed beautiful brightly coloured paint onto our feet and walked on a large piece of paper!

The babies loved the way the paint felt on their feet but some of the children were a bit cautious as the paint squished in between their toes!

The children’s toes were wriggling as they felt the paint squish and slide over the bottom of their feet onto the paper.

There were plenty of giggles and little squeals of excitement. There was music on in the background during this experience which encouraged the children to dance as the painted!

The baby’s stomped their feet, amazed at the foot prints they had created. It left a lovely colourful trail!


foot painting texture play at childcare
