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Childcare Options – what’s best for my family

Childcare Options – what’s best for my family

It is about this time of year when many people start to think about what childcare options are available to them.  Jumping on line and typing in “childcare” to your favourite search engine can present you with a very scary list of options.  Below i will outline the top 5 childcare options with a few of the pros and cons for each. (more…)

A look at Advent for young children

A look at Advent for young children

Advent is a very special time in our house.  Here is a sneak peak at what it looks like so far

The Advent bags went up and 3 excited children were ready to start the journey





Top Christmas Jokes for Kids Advent Calander

Top Christmas Jokes for Kids Advent Calander

christmas jokes for kids in childcare

After what feels like many hours reading christmas jokes for kids, I have come up with my list of 24 for our children’s advent calander.  I hope you to get joy out of sharing these with your children


24 Pre-Christmas activities for the Children

24 Pre-Christmas activities for the Children

So I’ve taken the advent calendar one step further. I’ve decide to include a children’s christmas craft activity everyday for the whole family to participate in. I want our children to enjoy preparing for this special time of the year, but I also want them to think of others less fortunate than themselves so I have added in some activities to make sure this happens.

My families 24 days pre-Christmas look like this

Christmas for the Children

Christmas for the Children

Christmas tree - Christmas for childrenChristmas is just around the corner……

The festive season feels like it is upon us already.  The shops have the Christmas decorations out, toy catalogues are on every surface I seem to look at and my elder children only have 6 weeks left of the school year.  Its sometimes hard to keep it Christmas for children. (more…)
